What is DNOW?
DNOW is short for "Disciple-Now". Discipleship is important to us because it was important to Jesus. Being a disciple is being a life long learner and follower of Jesus Christ. Discipleship helps believers to grow in faith, maturity, and wisdom.
DNOW is a way to begin the process of discipleship and to expose unbelievers to the Gospel of Jesus. DNOW 2024 will occur on February
Billy Young
Worship Leaders
Jared Hall
What happens at DNOW?
We will be doing so many things during this weekend! Some of them are below!
We will have 3 sessions that include: group games, worship, and preaching of the Word. During this time we will be in the worship center. Billy will be teaching about how to deepen your relationship with the Lord.
Small Groups
After each session you will have the opportunity to sit down with your small group and go over discussion questions about what was just taught.
We are going to pack as much fun into this weekend as we can! Some of the activities are: outside group games, talent show, zip Iines, basketball, soccer, and so much more!!